Woodmoor Council Home Page

Welcome to the dedicated information page for the Woodmoor Council. 

Woodmoor consists of 54 lot units and is represented by two directors on the Conservancy Board.

Attached below, you'll find a comprehensive file outlining the approved colors for houses, trim, front doors, and garages within the Woodmoor council. These guidelines serve as the foundation for Additions, Alterations, or Improvements (AAIs) involving painting.

Among the standards governing Woodmoor, the landscaping rule is of utmost importance. This rule governs the maintenance of lawns, shrubs, and related aspects. Detailed information can be found in the attachment provided.

A distinctive trait of the Woodmoor Council is its unique status as "lot units." Unlike other councils, Woodmoor lacks common elements. While the Rules encompass certain provisions relevant to various councils, not all may be applicable to Woodmoor. For insights into these differentiations, kindly refer to section 30 of the Rules document or the downloadable content provided.

Please be aware of the requirement to submit an AAI for Additions, Alterations, or Improvements in accordance with the specifications outlined in the Declaration and the Rules. Non-compliance prior to the start of work may result in potential fines. However, it's noteworthy that Woodmoor may be exempt from certain AAI submissions. For precise guidelines, consult the download pertaining to section 30.

Your adherence to these directives significantly contributes to the preservation of Woodmoor's distinct charm and standards.

Best Regards, 

Woodmoor Council Representatives

Download Paint-Colors---Woodmoor--Pierce-Hawt.pdf
Download Ridge--Woodmoor-Landscaping.pdf
Download Woodmoor-Section-30.pdf