This page contains a compilation of minutes and reports, with the most current documents appearing at the top. Note: Prior to 2020, if draft versions of conservancy minutes are listed, contact the property manger for finalized version. |
February 2025 |
December 2024 |
October 2024 |
August 2024 |
April 2024 |
February 2024 |
January 2024 |
November 2023 |
October 2023 |
September 2023 |
August 2023 |
June 2023 |
May 2023 |
April 2023 |
March 2023 |
February 2023 |
January 2023 |
December 2022 Annual Meeting - Contact Elite |
November 2022 |
October 2022 |
August 2022 |
July 2022 |
June 2022 Conservancy |
May 2022 Conservancy |
April 2022 Conservancy Board |
March 2022 Conservancy Meeting |
February 2022 Conservancy |
January 2022 Conservancy |
December 2021 Annual Mtg of All Unit Owners 2022 Budgets Approved |
November Conservancy Meeting |
October 2021 Conservancy Board |
September 2021 Conservancy Board |
August 2021 Conservancy |
July 2021 Conservancy Board Meeting |
June 2021 Conservancy Meeting |
May 2021 Conservancy Board Meeting |
April 2021 Conservancy Board Meeting |
March 2021 Conservancy Meeting |
February 2021 Conservancy Board Meeting |
January 2021 Conservancy Meeting |
December 2020 Annual Meeting |
November 2020 Conservancy Meeting |
October Conservancy Meeting |
September Conservancy On Line |
August Conservancy On Line |
July 2020 On Line Conservancy Meeting |
June 2020 On Line Conservancy Meeting |
May 2020 On Line Meeting |
April 2020 On Line Virtual Meeting |
NO March Meeting Due to Covid-19 |
February 2020 Conservancy |
January 2020 Conservancy Meeting |
November 2019 Conservancy |
October 2019 Conservancy |
September Conservancy 2019 |
August 2019 Conservancy |
July 2019 Conservancy Meeting |
June 2019 Conservancy Board Meeting |
May 2019 Conservancy Board Meeting |
April 2019 Conservancy Reports |
March 2019 Conservancy Mtg |
February 2019 Conservancy Meeting |
January 2019 Conservancy Meeting |
November 2018 Conservancy Meeting |
October 2018 Conservancy Meeting |
September 2018 Conservancy Meeting |
August 2018 Conservancy Minutes and Committee Reports |
July 2018 Conservancy Meeting |
June 2018 |
May 2018 Conservancy Minutes and Committee Reports |
April 2018 Conservancy Board Meetings and Committee Reports |
Marchl 2018 Conservancy Board Meeting |
February 2018 Conservancy Board Meeting |
January 2018 Conservancy Documnets |
November 2017 Consevancy Minutes - Draft |
October 2017 Conservancy Minutes And Committee Reports |
September 2017 Conservancy Meeting |
September 2017 Conservancy Meeting |
August Conservancy 2017 |
July 2017 Conservancy Meeting |
June 2107 Conservancy Board Meeting |
Unapproved Minutes of May 2017 Conservancy Board Meeting |
Minutes of Special Meeting of the Conservancy Board Re: Boundaries |
April Conservancy Board Meetings and Committee Reports |
Conservancy Board Meeting of March 2017 |
Minutes of Conservancy Meeting February 2017 |
Conservancy Board Minutes of January 2017 |
Annual Meeting December 2016 Minutes and Committee Reports |
November 2016 Conservancy Minutes and Reports |
October 2016 Conservancy Reports |
Setember 2016 Conservancy Minutes |
August 2016 Conservancy Minutes Attached are the minutes from the August 2016 meeting. |
July 2016 Minutes from the Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting Attached please find a draft copy of minutes taken at our July Board Meeting. This document will be submitted for amendment and/or approval at our August 2016 meeting. |
June 2016 Minutes from the Monthly Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting Attached please find the minutes from our June 2016 meeting. This draft document will be submitted for amendment or approval at our July meeting. |
May 2016 Minutes of the Conservancy Board Monthly Meeting Attached please find the draft minutes of our May 2016 Board meeting. This document will be submitted for amendment or approval at our June meeting. |
April 2016 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Attached please find the minutes from our April 2016 Board of Directors meeting along with corresponding committee reports. They will be presented for amendment and/or approval at the May meeting. |
Minutes of the March 2016 Minutes of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Attached please find the minutes from the Board's March 2016 meeting. They will be presented for amendment and/or approval at the April 27 meeting. |
Minutes from the February 2016 Conservancy Board Meeting Attached are the minutes and committee reports from the February meeting of the Conservancy Board. |
Minutes from the January 2016 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Please find attached the draft minutes from the first meeting of the 2016 Board of Directors. They will be presented for amendment and/or approval at the February 24 Board meeting. |
Minutes from the November 2015 Conservancy Board Meeting Attached please find the minutes from our November meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. The document is considered a draft for residents' review and comments, and will be proposed for amendment or adoption at the next regular Board meeting. |
Minutes from the October 2015 Board Meeting Attached please find the minutes from the October meeting of the Conservancy Board of Directors. They will be submitted for amendment or approval at the November 24 meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board. |
September 2015 Minutes: The Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting Attached please find the minutes from the September meeting of the Conservancy Board of Directors. |
Minutes from the August 2015 Conservancy Board Meeting Attached please find the minutes and addenda from the August 2015 meeting of The Walden Woods Conservancy's Board of Directors. These are presented in draft format for review; they will be submitted for revision and/or approval at the Conservancy Board's September meeting. |
July 2015 Minutes and Addenda from the Conservancy Board Meeting Attached please find the minutes and related addenda from the July meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
June 25, 2015 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Please review the minutes attached here. They will be submitted for approval or amendment at the regular July Conservancy Board meeting. Please note that the sketches referenced can be viewed by contacting . Committee reports are included here for your convenience. |
June 25, 2015 Special Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors re: Rules Notice and Comment Please review the minutes attached here. They will be submitted for approval or amendment at the regular July Conservancy Board meeting. The purpose of this special session was to hear Notice and Comment on the recently revised Rules Document. |
Special Meeting Minutes Attached please find minutes from the special June 17 meeting called by the Walden Woods Conservancy's Board of Directors. The purpose of the meeting was to walk the Council Boundaries proposed by Plan C. |
Minutes from the May 2015 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Attached please find the draft minutes from the May Board meeting for your review. This document will be submitted for amendment and/or approval at the regular June meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors. |
Minutes and Committee Reports, April 2015 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Attached please find the minutes and committee reports from the April 2015 Meeting of the Board. They will be submitted for amendment and/or approval at the May 2015 Meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors. |
Minutes from the March 2015 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board Attached please find the draft minutes and committee reports from our March meeting. These will be submitted for amendment and/or approval at the April 29, 2015 Board Meeting. |
Minutes from the February 2015 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors These are the unapproved minutes of the February monthly meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors to be presented at a future meeting of the Board of Directors. 1. Call to order: the meeting was called to order by President Andrew Lattimer at 7:00 o'clock p.m.Directors present were: Joe Palladino,Pat Tanner, Peter DeBisschop(by remote speaker connection),Glenn Brand, Sue Raupach, Adele Clark,Diane Bernier, Kathleen Tracy(treasurer), Brian Onessimo(vice-president.Director Cori-Lynn Weber was absent. 2.Approval of minutes of preceding meeting. Before this took place discussion of minute taking by board members insued. The possibility of having a volunteer other than board member, a paid person and using digital equipment were discussed. It was agreed that a memo would be sent out to the community to see if someone would volunteer for this position. This will be done through the communications committee. Chris Kohlnle will also get prices and possible names of a person that might do this job.The minutes of the January monthly meeting of the Conservancy published on the website were presented and reviewed with the following changes. Section 5,page 3, second paragraph down-third sentence,period at the end of gone, new word Should. Next sentence suggest not suggested. Section 5,fourth paragraph, second sentence We are, not were. Section 5,last paragraph, third sentence ,from not over. Section 6, last paragraph,Director Webber asked Mr. Kohnle vetted arborist ,not wetted. Section 7 Welcome committee report,second sentence meeting on Tuesday February, not for every. Also Brian Onessimo wanted to delete his statement on the top of page 5. He does not remember making that statement. Director Kathleen Tracy made a motion to accept the minutes with changes. It was seconded by Brian. 3. Financial/treasurer Report: Director Tracy reported that she met with Mr. Kohnle to go over the financial report.President and treasurer approve expenses. Insurance bill came in and was paid. Question was brought up that why no one had money put in reserves last month. Mr. Kohnle will follow up on this. Also question was brought up about our investments in Morgan Stanley. Why were they different in each council? Mr. Kohnle will report back to us. 4. Manager's Report: a. Mr. Kohnle reported on the survey that was sent out concerning the tennis court. He received 68 responses.It was nearly a three way split on the responses. The tennis courts will be fixed and he will get quotes on what it would cost to add pickle ball lines to the court. b. Contracts we have were listed on page 21 in the report. It was suggested that we include letters of engagement also such as Perlstein and Alliod. Mr. Kohnle will do this. The contract section will be kept in the report each month. Mr. Kohnle discussed the frozen pipe issues.Claims are in. A community notice will go out to have residents respond to fire alarms they hear.This is especially an issue in the townhomes area with the sprinkler system. It was brought up again about the rider on residents insurance policies to cover the first $5000 if claim is made. This was sent out earlier last year. Next month Mr. Kohnle will report on the repairs made because of the pipe bursts. 5. Unit Owner's Forum: a. It was brought up that the language on the letter sent about getting a rider on our insurance policies was not clear. Some insurance agents did not understand it. The letter will be researched and reviewed. b.The survey sent out on the tennis courts did not include all residents. Some have multiple emails. Question also about the lists Elite has and the communications committee have. The cost of the repairs was not listed. The board stated that this would come out of Reserves. It was also stated that renters should have had a survey also since they use the facilities also. 6.Unfinished business: Concerning rules and by-laws: we as a board would review the rules by the next meeting. At that meeting we would discuss these, approve them and then they would be sent to the residents in April. We would send our comments to Peter. He will make a list of all these. It was suggested we in our own reviewing, place them i n the keep, stop and change category. Question: is there a summary of rule changes?It is up to us to compare to the original version. When the Board agrees on the rules it will go out to the residents, hopefully April. A special meeting could be held if need be to discuss the changes. c. the November Conservancy meeting will be changed to Tuesday November 24. 7. New Business: a. It was suggested that the pole light belonging to the town at the entrance of Walden Woods be changed to a more powerful light. Mr. Kohnle will check on this with the town and report to us. b. A motion was made by Diane Bernier to have the Walden Woods community garden on the Windsor Garden Club's July Garden Tour on July 18th. It was seconded by Kathleen Tracy and passed. c. A question was brought about all the pending AAI reports that we had in our Board packets. It was brought up that the Standards has not had a meeting but will be having a meeting in March.It was asked if Michele at Elite will make follow up phone calls concerning the AAI reports pending. Committee Reports: All committee reports were reported by previous submission to the Board and included in our packets. At 8:15, Joe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kathleen . We then went into a short executive committee meeting to discuss common charges. Respectfully submitted, Diane Bernier acting secretary |
Minutes from the January 2015 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Attached please find the minutes from our January Conservancy Board Meeting. These will be presented for amendment or adoption at the Board's February 25 meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in The Meeting House. |
October 29, 2014 Conservancy Board Meeting Minutes Attached please find the draft version of minutes taken at the October meeting of the Board. They will be submitted for revision, amendment or approval at the November Conservancy Board Meeting. |
Minutes from the Conservancy Board's October 14 Special Meeting Please find minutes of the special meeting called for October 14, 2014 attached. |
Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors September Meeting The minutes presented here are in draft format. Please review prior to the November 2014 meeting of the Board of Directors, where this document will be submitted for revision, amendment or adoption. Please note that the September 2014 Meeting took place October 1, 2014. |
October 8 Special Meeting Minutes from the special meeting called October 8 (attached here in draft format) will be submitted at the November meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors for review. |
August 2014 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes These draft minutes are submitted for homeowners' review. They will be acted upon during the September 2014 meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
Draft Minutes - Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors' July Meeting This draft of the July 2014 minutes will be submitted for action at the September meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
June 2014 Conservancy Board Meeting Minutes Attached please find the minutes presented in draft format for your review. This document will be submitted for amendment or acceptance at the July 2014 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
May 2014 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors The attached minutes are presented here in draft form for your review. They will be submitted for amendment and/or approval at the regular June meeting of the Conservancy Board. Please note the supplemental documents entered into the record of this meeting along with the minutes. |
Minutes from the April 2014 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Attached please find minutes from the April Board meeting in draft format for your review. They will be presented for revision and/or amendment at the regular May meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors. Along with the minutes, please find commentary from Director Cori-Lynn Webber, Esq. re: proposed Declaration amendment. |
Minutes of the Board's Special Meeting April 23, 2014 The attached minutes are provided in draft format for your review. They will be submitted for amendment, revision or approval at the May 2014 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
Minutes from the March 2014 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors The attached minutes are presented here in draft form for your review. They will be submitted for revision and/or approval at the April 2014 Board Meeting. |
Minutes of the February 2014 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board Attached please find the approved minutes from our February meeting. |
Minutes from the January 2014 Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting Please find attached the revised and approved minutes from our January meeting. |
Minutes of the December 2013 Annual Meeting The attached minutes are presented here in draft format. They will be submitted for amendment and/or approval at the December 2014 Annual Meeting. |
Annual Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors - Minutes The attached are the minutes from the December 2012 Annual Meeting of the Conservancy Board. They were approved at the December 11, 2013 Annual Meeting. |
November Conservancy Board Meeting Minutes Please find attached the approved minutes from the November 2013 meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
Minutes of the October 30, 2013 Walden Woods Conservancy Board Meeting Attached please find the minutes from the October Conservancy Board meeting. These were approved at the November 2013 meeting. |
September 2013 Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting Attached please find the approved minutes from the September 2013 Board of Directors Meeting. |
Minutes of the August Meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors Attached please find the draft minutes from the August meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. Upon review, they will be submitted for amendment or approval at the regular September meeting of the Board. |
Minutes from the August 7 Special Meeting with the Surveyor August 7th Meeting of Conservancy with Surveyor Meeting called to order at 7:06pm Attendance: John Boccuzzi, Susan Raupach, Joseph Sikora, Warren Johnson,Diane Bernier, Dale Herrick, Brian Onessimo, Susan Atwater. The reason for the meeting was to look at the larger version of the maps made by the surveyor and make sure it is exactly what we approved in September of 2012. Then this would be able to be sent to the attorney. A question was brought up about tree mapping around the Village Council. This would cost $2000. If there was a discrepancy with tree line, the declaration would state actual tree line. Correction on map 101: names reversed Morning Glory Court and Primrose Lane,need to change this. Correction made Jacobi sidewalk area from Lochview. Correction: eliminate 2 tennis courts, soccer field, add community garden. Mailboxes would be just a wording- south side of Jacobi. Cement pad responsibility of Townhomes. Actual treelike supersedes the map. Correction on map 102: Take out dark lines- curb lines will be used. V-101,V-103 needs to show duplex legend, correct legends. V-103 add line that shows upper parking lot split between town homes and duplex. Adjust treeline at the end of Marble Faun Lane. Walkway to pool area in the conservancy. Lot next to this path not in our community. Eliminate lighter line near curb and sidewalk on Mercer. Path from Thoreau to Pierce in Woodmore Council. It was noted that #42 on Knollwood was not placed on the map. Surveyor will correct this. Walden Meadow is a town road, eliminate hatching on the map. Strip of conservancy on the sidewalk near Walden Meadow. Check deeds of Woodmore properties on monument responsibility. Remove lines for nature path? Dale will get corrected copies of the map. We will meet next Wednesday, August 14 at 6:30 to review changes. respectfully submitted Diane Bernier |
July 2013 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Attached please find the draft minutes of the July 2013 Meeting of the Board of Directors; they were approved at the Board's regular August meeting. A supplemental attachment is included here. |
Special July 2013 Meeting Attached please find minutes from the special meeting on the topic of geographical boundaries at Walden Woods. This draft document will be submitted for amendments and/or approval at an upcoming meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors. |
Minutes of the June 2013 Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting The attached minutes were approved at the July 2013 meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting. |
Minutes of the May 2013 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Attached please find minutes of the May meeting as well as related supplemental material. These items were formally approved at the June 2013 meeting of the Board. |
Minutes from the April 2013 Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting The attached minutes are presented here in draft form for homeowners' review. They will be submitted for amendment or adoption at the regular May meeting of the Board of Directors. Please note that a supplemental rendering from resident Peter DeBisschop is also available here for download. |
Minutes of the March 2013 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors The attached minutes were approved at the April 2013 meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
February 2013 Conservancy Board Meeting Minutes The attached minutes were approved at the March 2013 Walden Woods Conservancy Board Meeting. Supplemental material discussed at the February meeting is also attached for homeowners' review. |
January 2013 Conservancy Board Meeting Minutes The attached minutes were approved at the February 27, 2013 meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting December 2012 The minutes of the final regular meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board are attached here for review. They will be amended or approved by the newly-installed Board of Directors at their January 2013 meeting. |
Draft Minutes from the December 19, 2012 Walden Woods Annual Meeting The attached minutes are presented here in draft form. They will be amended or formally approved at the 2013 Annual Meeting to be held December 2013. |
Formally Approved Minutes of the December 2011 Annual Meeting As the first order of business for the December 2012 Annual Meeting, the Conservancy Board of Directors and unit owners formally approved the minutes of the December 2011 Annual Meeting. They are attached here for your convenience. |
Minutes from the November 28, 2012 Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting The attached corrected minutes are presented here in draft format until they are approved or amended by the Board at its next regular meeting. This version and the addendum were submitted by new Board Secretary Cori-Lynn Webber, Esq. and posted by Website Coordinator Christine Looby February 11, 2013. |
Walden Woods Conservancy Board Meeting October 24, 2012 The attached minutes were approved at the November 2012 Conservancy Board Meeting. We have also attached the Treasurer's Report as a supplement. |
Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 19, 2012 The attached minutes from the regular September Board Meeting were approved by the Board at its October 2012 meeting. |
Special Conservancy Board Meeting September 19, 2012 The attached minutes were approved at the October 24, 2012 meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
Regular August 2012 Conservancy Board Meeting The attached minutes were approved at the regular September 2012 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. In addition, there are several downloadable documents included here that were presented as addenda to the Board and have been provided for resident review. |
Special Conservancy Board Meeting Minutes 8-29-12 The attached meeting minutes were approved at the September meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors. |
July 25, 2012 Meeting of the Walden Woods Conservancy Board of Directors The attached document was approved at the regular August meeting of the Board of Directors. |
Special Meeting of the Conservancy Board of Directors July, 2012 The attached minutes of this special meeting were approved at the regular July 2012 meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors. |
June 27, 2012 Meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors These minutes were approved at the regular July 2012 meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors. |
May 30, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors These minutes were approved at the June 27 meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors. |
May 30, 2012 Special Meeting of the Conservancy Board These minutes were approved at the June 27, 2012 meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors. |
Special Meeting May 17, 2012 The minutes of this special May 17, 2012 meeting of the Conservancy's Board of Directors were approved at its May 30, 2012 meeting. |
April 2012 Conservancy Board Meeting Minutes --DRAFT Attached please find the approved version of the April 2012 meeting minutes. |
March 28, 2012 Conservancy Board Minutes Attached please find our late March Conservancy Board Meeting minutes. |
March Conservancy Board Minutes Attached please find the approved March Conservancy Board Meeting Minutes. |
January 2012 Minutes |
December 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes |
November 2011 Minutes |
October 2011 |
September 2011 |
August 2011 |
June 2011 |
May 2011 |
April 2011 |
March 2011 |
February 2011 |
Jan 2011 No Conservancy Board Meeting was held in January. |
Dec 2010 Annual Homeowners Meeting Awaiting receipt of draft; official minutes will not be available until approval of these minutes at the next Annual Meeting in December 2011. |
Nov '10 |
Oct '10 |
Sept '10 |
Aug '10 |
July '10 |
June '10 |
May '10 |
Apr '10 |
Mar '10 |
Feb '10 |
Jan '10 |
Dec '09 Annual Homeowners Meeting Minutes will be made available upon approval at the next Annual Homeowners Meeting in Dec 2010. The Organization Meeting Minutes shown here reflect the appointment of officers and committee liaisons that followed the Annual Meeting |
Nov '09 |
Oct '09 |
Sept '09 |
Aug '09 |
July '09 |
June '09 |
May '09 |
Apr '09 |
Mar '09 |
Feb '09 |
Jan '09 |
Dec '08 Annual Homeowners Meeting to ratify budget and elect new Board of Directors. |
Nov '08 |
Oct '08 |
Sept '08 |
Aug '08 |
Jul '08 No meeting held in July. |
Jun '08 Not yet available; pending approval at next board meeting. |
May '08 No meeting held in May |
Apr '08 |
Mar '08 |
Feb '08 |
Jan '08 |
Dec '07 Minutes of Annual Homeowner's Meeting |
Nov '07 |
Oct '07 |
Sept '07 |
Aug '07 No Meeting Held in August |
July '-07 |
June '07 |
May '07 |
Apr '07 |
Mar '07 |
Feb '07 |
Jan '07 |
Dec '06 Annual Homeowner's Meeting |
Nov '06 |
Oct '06 |
Sept '06 |
Aug '06 |
July 06 |
June 06 |
May 06 |
April 06 |
Mar 06 |
Feb 06 |
Jan 06 |
Dec 05 Annual Homeowner Meeting |
Nov 05 |
Oct 05 |
Sept 05 |
Aug 05 |
July 05 Meeting was cancelled and not re-scheduled. |
June 05 |
May 05 |
Apr 05 |
Special Tennis Amendment Meeting |
Mar 05 |
Feb 05 |
Jan 05 Meeting was cancelled due to bad weather and was not rescheduled. |
2004 Annual HO Meeting |
Dec 04 |
Nov 04 |
Oct 04 |
Sept 04 |
Aug 04 |