November Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
September Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
August Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
June Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
May Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
April Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
February Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
December Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
November Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
October Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
September Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
August Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
June Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
May Meeting Minutes - Duplex Council |
Duplex April 2023 |
Duplex March 2023 |
Duplex February 2023 |
Duplex January 2023 |
November Duplex 2022 |
October 2022 |
September Duplex Council 2022 |
August Duplex Council Minutes 2022 |
July 2022 Duplex Council |
June 2022 Duplex Council |
May 2022 Duplex Council Meeting |
April Duplex 2022 |
March 2022 Duplex |
February Duplex Minutes |
January 2022 Duplex Council Minutes |
November 2021 Duplex Minutes |
October 2021 Duplex Minutes |
September Duplex |
August Duplex Council Meeting |
July 2021 |
June 2021 Duplex Council Meeting |
May Duplex Council Meeting |
April Duplex Council Minutes |
Duplex Council March 2021 |
Duplex Council February 2021 |
Duplex Council Minutes January 2021 |
Duplex Council November 2020 Minutes |
September 2020 Council Minutes and Annual Meeting Minutes |
Duplex Council Minutes June 2020 |
Duplex Minutes January 2020 |
Duplex Council No Meetings Feb, Mar April, May 2020 |
Duplex Meeting September Minutes |
Duplex Meeting July 2019 |
Duplex November Council Minutes 2019 |
Duplex Council Meeting May 2019 |
November 2018 Duplex Council Minutes |
Duplex Council Minutes September 2018 |
Duplex Minutes 7/23/18 |
May 2018 Duplex Council Minutes |
April 2018 Duplex Council Minutes |
Duplex Council Minutes March 2018 |
Duplex Council Minutes February 2018 |
Duplex Council Minutes January 2018 |
November 2017 Duplex Council Minutes and 2018 Schedule |
DC Council Meeting October |
Duplex Minutes September 2017 |
August 2017 Duplex Council Meeting |
Duplex Council Minutes of 7/17/17 |
Duplex Council Meeting of June 19, 2017 |
Minutes of Duplex Meeting May 22, 2017 These are the minutes of the Duplex Council meeting of May 22, 2017. The forms included pertain to the proposed rule regarding dogs. |
Duplex Council Minutes April 2017 |
Duplex Council Minutes March 2017 |
Duplex Council Minutes February 2017 |
January 2016 Duplex Council Minutes |
Duplex Council Nov 2016 Minutes |
Duplex Council Oct 2016 |
September 2016 Minutes from the Duplex Council Meeting Attached please find minutes from our September meeting, which will be put forward for amendment and/or approval at our October 2016 meeting. |
August 25, 2016 Meeting of the Duplex Council August 25, 2016 Attending: 2 Directors and 2 Residents; Total: 4 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 1. Report on deck staining (Dunbar and Haskins) Kathleen received an email from a resident on Haskins who was not happy with the deck color. The residents who attended the meeting saw Kathleen' deck and had no issue. Kathleen will talk to the painters to see if there is another choice of color in a solid stain that might be a little darker. Her understanding was the colors in the solid stain were limited. No one else had any issue with the project. It appeared that the work went smoothly and was done quickly. Next year, however, residents would like the project done earlier in the season, end of May, for example. 2. Standards Committee. Residents received information about the commitment for the SC. We are still looking for a volunteer to serve on behalf of the Duplex Council. 3. Door Jams. Because Chris Kohnle indicated that he had more information about the door jams which he will give us next week, we decided to postpone the conversation on this project until next month. Apparently, the Town Homes Council has changed their thoughts on this project and he wants to give us the benefit of their wisdom on it. We will add this to next month's agenda. 1. Vote on Directors for the coming year Barbara Demonico made a motion that the three current Directors (who have agreed to serve again) be elected for another term. It was seconded and passed unanimously. No other residents put their name forward to be considered at this time. The residents voted and shared their thanks! The directors for 2017 are: 1) Kathleen Tracy 2 Dunbar 2) Lynn Douglas 13 Marble Faun 3) Qiana Coachman-Strickland 15 Marble faun 2. Budget. Chris Kohnle is working on the budget which we will Review next month. Priorities that were identified for next year are: Door Jams, Landscaping and possibly spraying for Mosquitoes. Residents still want to keep costs down so there is no increase in monthly fees. 3. Upcoming events Pool Closing is scheduled for Labor Day. *Residents asked to have the pool opened for an additional two weeks beyond Labor Day as the weather is so compelling??. They want to be sure that Marcos is informed of the new closing date. Kathleen will talk to Chris. [Note: Chris agreed to keep the pool opened until the middle of September.] 4. Other issues or concerns from residents. *Residents on Scarlet were concerned about their lawn condition and how the mowers have created a brown "mess" of the lawn. Kathleen will talk to Mark at Russo to see what can be done. *Directors received an email from a resident who is very concerned about the mosquitoes this year, especially those living next to the pond. Lynn confirmed that both she and her neighbors cannot go out on the deck because the bugs are so bad. Is spraying an option? Lynn looked into the cost and will share that with the other directors. Is this something we need to budget for in the future? Is it possible to do something this year? Kathleen will also talk to Glenn, the head of the Environmental Committee to see if he can help. Depending on the cost and available funding, we will look into the possibilities for this year. 5. Next meeting will be September 22 at the Meeting House at 7PM. 6. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Kathleen Tracy |
July 19 Meeting of the Duplex Council Duplex Council Meeting July 19,2016 Attending: 3 Directors and 5 Residents; Total:8 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 1. Report on deck staining (Dunbar and Haskins) Kathleen talked to Chris and requested the latest on the start time of the deck staining. He reported they will begin on the Week of July 25. A notice went out to all Duplex Council residents to clear their decks and shared details about the project. If you did not get a notice, call Michele at Elite office to have her send it to you. This is relevant to Dunbar and Haskins residents only. 2. Report on Tree Replacement Kathleen talked to Russo who agreed to plant a Forsythia gratis in the location behind 6 Dunbar on Walden Meadow. It is already planted and has been watered at least once. Resident at 6 Dunbar has been watering it. Kathleen will find out if Russo will ensure that it is watered and stays alive. 3. Pool Repair The pool had a new filter put in to eliminate the sand problem in the pool. It was completed last Friday. This was done quickly and residents report it made a big difference. The water is now clear. Thank you Elite for your prompt attention to this matter! 4. Standards Committee: Residents continue to express concerns that the Standards Committee does not meet and that residents do not know what the committee is doing. Some have noticed violations of standards that the Standards Committee has not addressed. Without meetings or a way to communicate with this committee, the residents are feeling frustrated. It was recommended that a proposal be made to have the committee meet at least quarterly so residents could connect with this committee and share concerns. 5. Upcoming events. August 6 1) Bunco at the Meeting House. More details to follow. 2) Bonnie asked about doing Yoga at the Meeting House. She will contact Roland who is Social Committee Chair. Residents welcome the opportunity to have Bonnie lead some yoga classes. 6. Other issues or concerns from residents. Meeting House was rented out but even after 2 hours, the room was not cooled. Suggest resident discuss the issue of air conditioning with Elite. 7. Next meeting will be August 25 at 2 Dunbar Drive at 7PM. 8. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted by Kathleen Tracy |
June 2016 Duplex Council Minutes The minutes from the June meeting of the Duplex Council are attached here. |
May 2016 Meeting of the Duplex Council Attached please find the May 2016 Council meeting minutes. They will be submitted for amendment and/or approval at the Duplex Council's June meeting. |
Minutes from the Duplex Council's April 2016 Meeting Attached please find minutes from the Duplex Council's April meeting. They will be presented at the May Council meeting for amendment or approval. |
March 2016 Minutes of the Duplex Council Meeting Attached please find the draft minutes from our March Council meeting. These will be submitted for approval or amendment at our April 2016 meeting. |
Duplex Council February 2016 Minutes |
January 2016 Meeting of the Duplex Council Attached please find the minutes from our January meeting, which will be raised for amendment or approval at our February 2016 Council meeting. |
November 2015 Meeting of the Duplex Council Attached please find minutes from the Duplex Council meeting held in November 2015. |
Duplex Council Minutes October 2015 Attached please find draft minutes of the Duplex Council's October meeting. |
September 2015 Council Minutes |
August 2015 Minutes - Duplex Council Meeting Attached please find minutes from the Duplex Council's August 2015 meeting. This draft is provided for your review and will be moved for revision and/or approval at the Council's September meeting. |
Minutes of the July 23, 2015 Duplex Council Meeting Attached please find the minutes from our July 2015 Council meeting. |